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Avolink Bruges

Johan Persyn

  • Efficient and solution-oriented
  • Broad experience
  • Tailor-made solutions



Zwijnstraat 3 (3e verdieping)
8000 Brugge


T. 050 / 38 05 05

Short description

Al meer dan 35 jaar ondersteunt Advobru haar klanten vanuit haar kantoren te Brugge en Brussel. Het gemotiveerd en dynamisch team begeleidt u met het zoeken naar een oplossing voor al uw juridische vraagstukken en uitdagingen.

For over 35 years, Advobru has been supporting its clients from its offices in Bruges and Brussels. Its motivated and dynamic team assists you in finding a solution to all your legal issues and challenges.
How does Advobru do this? Thanks to their extensive expertise, its lawyers are able to assess which options are best suited to you from a legal and budgetary point of view. The aim is to guide you to the appropriate solution in a correct and quick manner. This can be both in and out of court.

" We help you not only solve problems, but also prevent them. "

The office is located in the centre of Bruges. In 2008, the office was expanded to include a branch in Brussels. The 10-strong team is well-versed in all legal matters.

Advobru assists both companies and individuals in their search for the appropriate legal guidance. Thanks to the 10-strong team’s broad experience, you can rely on their expertise in all branches of law.
Our primary interest is defending our clients’ interests in a competent, combative and respectful manner.

Listening is what we call it and, from there, transparently seeking together what can, should or exactly what should be avoided. The unique collaboration between client and lawyer covered by discretion, professional secrecy and mutual loyalty. This is how we work.