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Company law

Besides natural persons, there are various forms of companies, and associations. There is the NPO, which may or may not be subject to VAT. The most common company forms are the Public Limited Company ( NV) and the Limited Liability Company ( BVBA). In both company forms, the assets are divided into assets and liabilities and the assets of the shareholders or partners.


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There are also the limited partnership, the ordinary limited partnership and this one on shares, the E.E.S.V.. Articles of association are written or advised for all these legal persons, partly in the light of the protection of the partners, and more specifically the separation of their own assets from those of the company. Nevertheless, partners, shareholders and directors retain a personal responsibility in strictly defined cases, where they can be held accountable for policy within the company.

Help from our lawyers

Our specialised lawyers advise in all these matters, draft shareholder agreements, intervene in the transfer of shares, conflicts between shareholders and so on. A financial plan should be drawn up, this too under the personal liability of those involved.

Board of directors

Once the company is active, a board of directors should be appointed for a defined period of time. The directors are accountable for their policies to the company, and should regularly seek discharge from the shareholders. For their part, the shareholders or partners should ensure that the capital is paid up, or in certain cases that there is a contribution in kind, which should then be accompanied by an objective valuation.


A trendy phenomenon is crowdfunding: solid legal advice belongs here too. Our lawyers will be happy to help you with this. The company may merge, may split and may be dissolved. Here, too, legal assistance from a specialised lawyer is essential. Therefore, fill in the contact form without obligation.